Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

September 1- 30

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness and rallying support for the fight against childhood cancers.

Every child deserves a future filled with golden moments of joy. Sadly, cancer robs too many children of these precious experiences. In the UK, around two families each week receive the heart breaking news that their child has neuroblastoma. This devastating diagnosis leads to gruelling treatments and long-term challenges.

We believe in #AFutureTheyDeserve. Our mission is to fund ground breaking research to develop more effective treatments and, ultimately, find a cure. Together, we can offer hope and a brighter future to families facing this relentless disease.

Join us this September—Go Gold and help bring hope to families dealing with neuroblastoma. Together, we can make a difference and give these brave children the future they deserve.

How to get involved…

Wear a gold ribbon

Take part in Go Gold Day


Go Gold Day

Thursday, 26th September

Mark your calendars for Go Gold Day, a special event dedicated to raising awareness and funds for Neuroblastoma UK. On this day, we encourage everyone to participate in gold-themed fundraisers and help spread the word through turning social media gold.

Let's unite and turn everything gold to show our support and raise essential funds for research and treatment. Together, we can shine a light on childhood cancer.

Go Gold with Neuroblastoma Merch

Meet families affected by neuroblastoma