Support our 40th anniversary appeal

Help us raise £40,000 in our 40th year

We are excited to launch a new fundraising appeal to raise £40,000 during our 40th anniversary year. These vital funds could help support future research that hopes to develop new, kinder treatment for children with neuroblastoma.

Around 100 children are diagnosed with neuroblastoma every year in the UK. Children with aggressive high-risk neuroblastoma are treated with incredibly intensive drugs and invasive procedures that can leave them with lifelong disabilities. And because they have an increased risk of relapse, the long term outcome of these children desperately needs to be improved.

By raising an extra £40,000 in our 40th year, we can enable scientists to progress their research and develop safer, non-invasive and more effective treatment for children with neuroblastoma.

Help fill our virtual lab

Donate today and help fill our virtual lab with essential research equipment*

Help us reach our £40,000 target and donate today to help fill our virtual lab* with essential research equipment.

Choose from test tubes, microscopes or glassware, make a donation and watch the lab benches and shelves fill up with essential research equipment. You can even leave a message for our funded researchers or loved ones.

Or text FORTY followed by your donation to 70085**

(Text FORTY40, FORTY20, FORTY10 to donate £40, £20, £10)

Around £40 could help pay for microscope slides

Two packs of microscope slides could enable scientists to examine neuroblastoma cells in minute detail.

This could help researchers to look closely at a protein on the surface of the neuroblastoma cell, to understand how it can help the body’s immune response to cancer.

Around £1,000 could help fund a year of lab equipment

Researchers need a range of equipment such as plastics, pipettes or chemicals to help them investigate neuroblastoma.  

These basic yet essential items can help researchers understand the origin and development of neuroblastoma, develop new therapeutic approaches or improve existing treatments.

Around £2,000 could help fund a PhD student

Your donations could help a PhD student to develop their skills with research experts.

This could help students like Catherine Murphy to learn how to use 3D printing technology. This important skill will help her to replicate the architecture of human tumour tissues in the lab, and study how immune cells recognise, attack and eventually kill neuroblastoma cells.

40 years of funding neuroblastoma research

Our charity was formed 40 years ago by two families who had lost their five year old sons to neuroblastoma. Both families desperately wanted to raise money for research. 

Today, we remain dedicated to funding neuroblastoma research, to help develop new, more effective and kinder treatment for children.

Since 1982, thanks to your kind donations, we have

  • funded nearly £9 million of neuroblastoma research

  • awarded more than 85 research grants and

  • supported research in 19 research institutions across the UK.

With your support, we can continue our fight against childhood cancer and save more young lives. Thank you.


* Your donations could help fund laboratory equipment in addition to researcher salaries, supplies or other costs associated with a research study. However your donation is unrestricted and may not always go directly to research.

**Texts charged at standard network rate plus your donation. We will not collect or share your personal data so you will not hear from us by phone or SMS. 16+ users only.


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